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online international spring 2014

2016 Fall     2016 Spring     2015 Fall     2015 Spring     2014 Fall     2014 Spring     2013 Fall     2013 Spring

exhibit judge

Cheng Lian, NOAPS Master Artist

Cheng Lian was born in 1955 in Shanghai, China. Part of a close-knit, highly-talented family, he learned art since he was a little boy from his father, a famous artist and professor. He graduated from China Academy of Fine Art (a famous art school in China known as Zhejiang Academy of Fine Art), and he was an honored student in the art school.

As an artist Cheng has traveled to many places in China, Asia, United States, North America, Europe and South America; he uses his artist eyes observing things that he has seen like people and scenery, and he created eye catching, breath taking portraits, landscapes, and still lives with his unique style.

Exhibitions: Trailside Galleries, Thornwood Galleries, Houston, Dallas, TX; East-West Gallery, The Woodlands, TX; Billy Hork Galleries, Chicago IL; New York Art Expo, New York NY; AKA Arnot Gallery, New York NY; Lakeshore Gallery, Milwaukee WI; Chelsea Galleries, Beachwood MA; Renjeau Galleries, Natick MA; Royce Galleries LTD., Denver CO; China Art Expo, Guangzhou China; Point Gallery, Chicago IL; Chicago Art Expo, Chicago IL; Lakeside Gallery, Lakeside MI
Publication: American Art Collector (USA), Art World News - cover (USA), Artists of Chinese Origin in North America Directory (USA), Chinese Select Oil Painting Artists (Japan)

His art is widely collected by many corporate and thousands of private collectors in US, Europe, Israel, Japan, Hong Kong, and China.

award winners

best in show

Boats in Villefranche, France/ Derek Penix- OK

second place

Precious/ Agnieszka Bernstein- CA

best landscape

Winter in the Country/ Jill Basham- MD

best use of light & color

Portal/ William Schneider- IL

third place

China and Primroses/ Judy Crowe- TX

best people

Pondering Professor/ Harry Ahn- MI

narrative excellence

Blackberry Patch Rural Farm Landscape/ Walt Curlee- AL

most innovative

The Happy Homemaker/ Tm Tyler- AR

awards of excellence

merit awards

accepted artists


National Oil and Acrylic Painters' Society

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