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best of america small 2019

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RS Hanna Gallery in Fredericksburg, TX is hosting our 

Max Size (16x20" or 320sq inches)

March 1 – April 6, 2019


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NOAPS RS Hanna Gallery 2.JPG

With deep Texas roots in the art gallery world, an eye to exceptional talent and a long time focus on her artists, RS “Shannon” Hanna has created a beautiful art gallery space in downtown Fredericksburg Texas for collectors to experience some of the best contemporary art.  RS Hana Gallery represents a select group of fine living/working masters of representational art.  The joy of collecting runs deep in our appreciation of what matters; of what is truly beautiful, giving texture to our lives and running far deeper than surface comeliness or commerce.   The RS Hanna Gallery is proud to be a part of Fredericksburg’s growing and vibrant celebration of the arts, and proud to present the exhibition of the National Oil & Acrylic Painters’ Society.

about the event

Celebrating its 2nd “Best of America” SMALL PAINTING NATIONAL Juried Exhibition in 2019, the National Oil & Acrylic Painters’ Society (NOAPS) invites oil and acrylic painters from all across North America and International Artists to apply to our exhibit honoring the Best  in  oil  and  acrylic  painting. NOAPS has been showcasing the talents of oil and acrylic painters since 1991.



Opening & Awards Reception, March 1, 2019 at RS Hanna Gallery, Fredericksburg, TX.


art exhibition prospectus  


AWARDS:                      Best of show $3,000, $15,000 cash and sponsor awards


Exhibition dates:            March 1, 2019 to April 6, 2019 


Application Dates:         August 2018 -December 2, 2018


Notification Date:         January 4, 2019


Show Chair:                    Pat Tribastone-


You just...



to see accepted artists scroll down.....

awards judge

William Kalwick
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William Kalwick’s art was greatly influenced by his late father who had studied with Lajos Markos, a prominent portrait painter.  Kalwick studied with his father until graduating.  He then attended the Arts Student League of New York.  In 1981, Kalwick moved to Houston, Texas to become the protégé of Lajos Markos.  The two made numerous trips to Europe, especially Italy, where Kalwick experienced first hand the country's long tradition of powerful images.

In a profile in Focus/Santa Fe magazine, Kalwick was quoted as saying, “I started with a strong European influence, and now I see my style changing.”  In addition to Markos, he credits other influences to Sorolla, Repin, Zorn, Serov, and Sargent -- all artists noted for their expressive works. 

Kalwick’s paintings cover a wide range of subject matter.  However, he is best known for his Mexican market scenes, figurative work, and portraits. Recent portrait commissions include Harold Hook, retiring CEO of American General Corp.; Reese Jones, international golf course designer; and Paul Merriman, retiring CEO of Hisco Corp.

In 1998, Kalwick was honored for the second time with a one-man show sponsored by the United States Embassy at the Museo Ixchel in Guatemala City.

In March 1999, Southwest Art magazine featured Kalwick’s work on the cover and elaborated upon his style in an article titled “Guatemala Days.”  He also was featured in Art of the West magazine in the July/August 2000 issue.  Kalwick’s portrait painting was featured in Southwest Art magazine in the November 2001 issue.

Kalwick has participated in many shows including the Masters of the American West at the Autry Museum in Los Angeles, California; the Prix de West at the National Cowboy and Western Heritage Museum, as well as the annual Gilcrease Museum show. 

Kalwick’s paintings hang in collections throughout North America and Europe. 

William Kalwick Jr.

BOA Small 2019 Judge

award winners

best in show


Snowy Afternoon Walk/ Katherine Galbraith- NY

Dimensions: 16x20in  Price:$2,000

second place


Blue Scarf/ Hui Lu-CA

Dimensions: 12x9in  Price: $1,000

most original


Just One More Thing/ Joseph Orr- MO

Dimensions: 9x12in    Price: $1,900

best painting by a signature or master artist


A Blast From The Past/ Del-Bourree Bach- CT

Dimensions: 11x15in     Price: $5,200

best use of values


third place


Morning Revival/ Jerry Smith-IN

Dimentions: 9x12in   Price: $800

best realism


Lamplight at Le Vieux Logis/ Lindsay Goodwin- CA

Dimensions: 14x11in     Price: $3,000

best figurative


A Glimpse/ Cheng Lian- TX

Dimensions: 11x14in     Price $2,000

best landscape


Not Far From Home/ Joel Edwards- TX

Dimensions: 10x20in    Price $2,100

Sophie Backlit/ Susan Hotard- TX

Dimensions: 10x8in     Price: $1,200

best still life


Empty Vessel/ Blair Atherholt- PA

Dimensions:12x16in     Price: $1,600

best composition


Not Far From Moab/ Jan Delipsey- TX

Dimensions: 11x14in     Price: $775

best narrative


Sunnyside Up/ Manon Sander- FL

Dimensions: 12x12in     Price: $950

best impressionism


A Garden at La Bonne Etoile/ Margaret Dyer- GA

Dimensions: 16x20in    Price $2,600

best technique & handling


Pieces of a Mystery/ George Gonzalez- TX

Dimensions: 16x20in    Price $3,600

best use of light and color


Half Moon Bay Delights/ Kim Lordier- CA

Dimensions: 12x12in    Price $2500

awards of excellence

merit awards

accepted artists













































































































BOA Small 2019 Accepted Artists
Award Winners BOA Small 2019

art accepted for the exhibit

Upon receipt of the accepted paintings at the exhibit location, NOAPS and the Gallery retain the right to refuse to display and/or allow award judging due to: technical inaccuracy, misrepresentation, inadequate framing, or damage from improper packaging.

  • FRAMING: Gallery quality wood frames and finished edge gallery wrap are acceptable

  •  NOAPS strongly recommends Strong Boxes from Airfloat Systems. (they provide a 20% discount to NOAPS members). Similar shipping container can also be accepted. All  art received and displayed will not be returned until after the exhibit has closed.

IMPORTANT: Once accepted, failure to send the accepted artwork to the exhibit will result on a two (2) year disqualification period for the artist.

  • If the artwork is sold after acceptance but before shipping it to the exhibit, commission should be paid to the art gallery.

  • Selected paintings will be showcased on, in the NOAPS Blog, and in NOAPS Social Media.

  • By entering, entrants are consenting to having a reproduction of their work used for promotion of the NOAPS Exhibits. You are confirming the work  entered  is  your  own  and  copyrighted images incorporated in your work have not been used.



All entries must be for sale. Paintings of all price ranges are accepted. Entrants price their work and should closely represent the established market value of the artist’s work.  The price entered on the Juried Artist Services application form will be the price for the duration of the exhibit. 



Every reasonable care will be exercised with all artwork.  NOAPS, The Gallery, and any other organization or individual connected with the exhibition will not be responsible for loss or damage of artwork while in transit. By entering this exhibit, the applicant agrees to the terms and conditions of the prospectus.



The artist will receive 55% of the selling price, with the remainder split at 45% to the hosting gallery.



Once your art is accepted into the Exhibition, please follow the shipping instructions carefully. Full shipping instructions will be provided with acceptance letters. All shipping charges to and from the Gallery are the responsibility of the artist. We recommend insuring your work before shipping.

ALL ART MUST ARRIVE AT THE GALLERY BETWEEN February 6, 2019_to_February 15, 2019

***Include in the shipping container:


  1. Return shipping label - Fedex or UPS (this is created by the shipping agent)

  2. HOW TO create a return shipping label- example - If using UPS -Must open an account, then use their online program to "Create a return" - Enter all the information and print the label but  do  not schedule a pickup. Enclose return label in  envelope  for  the  gallery.  There  are  no charges until the UPS driver picks up  the  parcel  and  scans the  shipping label.***Artwork will not be displayed if Return Label is not provided.

  3. $20 check made payable to RS Hanna Gallery for unpacking/repacking fees.

  4. Hand deliveries DO NOT require a handling fee.

  5. Artwork label attached to back of painting

IMPORTANT: Shipping from OUTSIDE the USA must be shipped FREE DOMICILE or they will not be accepted. International artists please check all shipping restrictions and custom regulations before entering this exhibit. All Duties and Taxes must be paid by the artist

Shipping Address for artwork:

Fredericksburg Shipping,

 603 FM 2093, Suite 1502,

Fredericksburg, TX 78624

ph 830-992-2025 or toll free 877-992-2025 email





Applications Dates: August 2018 - December 2, 2018

Notifications: Jan 4, 2019

Artwork arrival ship dates: February 6, 2019_to_February 15, 2019

Workshop & Opening Week Program: Workshop prior to the exhibition with Award Judge Awards

Opening Reception: March 1, 2019 at RS Hanna Gallery, Fredericksburg, TX.

Exhibit Closing: April 6, 2019




Your participation and support of the NATIONAL OIL & ACRYLIC PAINTERS’ SOCIETY is greatly appreciated.  GOOD LUCK!!


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The National Oil & Acrylic Painter’s Society

BOA Small 2019 Shipping


National Oil and Acrylic Painters' Society

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